My birds are needle-felted with touches of machine embroidery.
All work is framed.
The following portfolio primarily shows work that has already been sold. I can re-create a similar piece for you. Please note it will be more like a sibling to the original piece, rather than an identical twin. To see work that I have available for immediate purchase, please click here.
My birds are needle-felted with touches of machine embroidery.
All work is framed.
The following portfolio primarily shows work that has already been sold. I can re-create a similar piece for you. Please note it will be more like a sibling to the original piece, rather than an identical twin. To see work that I have available for immediate purchase, please click here.
Susan Levi-Goerlich • Columbia, MD • 410/531-8065
©Susan Levi-Goerlich
©Susan Levi-Goerlich